
Events are our passion and what we live for. Our aim is to constantly move the event industry forward, not only in Slovakia but also worldwide. We already have some very exciting projects underway, so follow us and keep your eyes peeled for more information coming soon.


For the fast-evolving event market, the fair was a necessity. Without any hesitation we came up with the idea of EventEXPO that would offer a platform to those who work in the event industry and aspire to producing better and more engaging events. By bringing together suppliers and contractors in an informal environment we wanted not only to encourage drive and passion amongst the professionals to keep up with current and new trends, but also to unite the event community and set standards of professionalism, including event marketing.

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Events safety has always been paramount and for some time now we have been looking into ways of further improving safety at events. SeemeON is one of our contributions to event safety and we are particularly proud of it.

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Svatokatarinske wine

As enthusiastic wine lovers, we have always been a bit jealous of the French tradition of Beaujolais nouveau celebrations. Although Slovakia is a producer of excellent wine, there has never been such a tradition here and we decided to change that. Slovak young wines are delicious and can be found under the brand of Svatokatarinske vino not only in some well-known and well-established restaurants and bars, but also on wine lists at our events since 2011.

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